Friday, June 20, 2008


living here is a little disheartening.
i guess that would be the right word...
i feel as if the people here do not realize that there is more to live for than today.
gossip, sex, and cursing seem to have taken over completely and it makes me so sad.
people younger than myself are throwing away their lives for things that are here one minute and gone the next.
it's as if people are viewed as disposable.
i want to make a big sign that says "God is real, people - there is more to this life!"
i don't know - it just makes me very sad.
i have had so much time to reflect and think about things.

i think people need to start smiling.
smiles make my day and i'm sure it would make someone else's.

i drove to a local carnival tonight...
i would think it to be impossible to live here and not believe in God.
this land is beautiful...only someone awesome could create this.

i suppose my prayer would be that i am used through God in some small way here.
i feel like He has put a project right in front of me, but i am sure that i will get more from it than i put in.
maybe He is reiterating how thankful i should be for my circumstances and blessings that seem to overflow..?

"Our world is desperately in need of imagination, for we have spent so much creativity devising ways of destroying our enemies that some folks don't even think it's possible (much less practical) to love them."
-Shane Claiborne, The Irresistible Revolution


Heather Marie said...

Hey Girl. All your pictures from up there are breathtaking.

I will be praying for you and that God can use you, in whatever way He sees fit, to be a light to the people you encounter. You have an amazing heart and a great ability to make people fall in love with you, thus causing others to fall in love with the God you love so much. Seriously, just look for the opportunities God provides for you to minister, be yourself, and I know you'll do great things.

I hope you are enjoying your new home. Watch out for the bear! :)

katie mcgee said...

heather, you don't know what it means to hear that :)
i miss you, and i'm sad i didn't get to see you before i left!
thank you for your prayer and thank you for being so wonderful.

...and i look out for the bears every time i leave the house :)